Can we celebrate now?
Are you celebrating? It may be long overdue. Life without celebration is like hiking across a snowfield during a whiteout when the sky and the snow merge together and you can barely see your next step. Chilly and dangerous. Everything becomes a blur. Like the past twelve months. With the pandemic, lots of celebrations have been […]
Confessions of a judge-aholic.
The poet Rumi once wrote: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” How I’d love to visit! I only wish he’d left directions. Hint: The kids in the video below found it. Me, I’m a judge-aholic.** I grew up with self-judgmentalism. A condition that may be inherited. I wish […]
Let’s sing a new revolution
In Estonia, people sing. An Estonian woman I heard speak in an online singing class talked about Laulupidu, Estonia’s choral song festival. Begun in 1869, it now draws 100,000 participants, including 30,000 singers. Wikimedia commons. Estonian Song Celebration. Photo by ToBreatheAsOne Then, she added that the country liberated itself from Soviet rule through their “Singing […]
If you need more time
Even though last week I wrote about seeding a new beginning, I’ve had trouble starting up again. The air feels fresher, yet still weighted. It’s been hard to feel clever, creative, or wise. Time to surrender to what is. NOT YET I’m not quite ready to start up again. Couldn’t I plunk by the stream […]
To tame a raging bull
It is rare that I consider aborting a blog I have almost completed. But how to keep writing, let alone think, when an army of rioters is storming the US Capitol? I saw photos of ninja-like warriors climbing over Capitol walls, upended offices, broken glass, and Congressional representatives huddled under their seats. My mind spun […]
Let’s celebrate 24 new hours
When you rise tomorrow it will be a new year. Or perhaps, where you are, it already is. For many, the turn of the year to 2021 will be a relief. To the robins, squirrels, salmon, oak trees, granite and gray wolves, it’s business as usual. Life continues on. And while I sincerely hope that […]
Your presence is a light
A friend shared a quote this week. It moved me so much I tracked it down, to Kent Nerburn in his book, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace.” It seemed a fitting way to celebrate this season of light. “We are not saints, we are not heroes. Our lives are lived in […]
Light up a bleak midwinter
“In the bleak midwinter” could be my theme song these days. I’m tired. The weather is glum. I’ve had enough election news. The phrase is the name of a favorite carol written by the English poet Christina Rossetti in the 1800s and set to music by Gustav Holst. In the bleak mid-winter Frosty wind made […]
How loss can make us grateful
Thanksgiving was different this year. My husband and I ate alone for the first time in thirty-plus years. Of course, being the Martha Stewart look-alike that I am, I treated it like any other Thanksgiving. I meticulously cleaned the house, decorated with the requisite orange and brown figurines, cleaned and polished the silver, put out […]
Feeling safe
A lot of people aren’t feeling safe these days. Three million people in the US keep open-carry weapons with them at all times. Self-proclaimed-militias stalk US State houses. The global home security industry is expected to reach $78.9 billion by 2025. Between February and mid-March 2020, the use of anti-anxiety meds spiked 34%. When chaos […]