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Start the year with resilience, not resolutions

Happy 2025!

I don’t need to tell you—we’re in for some major changes this year. With parts of the world literally in flames (my heart goes out to LA), this doesn’t seem like the right time for setting resolutions. Besides, too often, resolutions don’t work.

Resolutions can become little more than willpower-fueled wishful thinking—and ways to pit your future self against your past self.

So, instead of setting resolutions, let’s start this year by building on what already lives within us: our resilience.

Resilience in Uncertain Times

I’ve been reflecting on resilience recently, inspired by a conversation with my daughter-in-law. She works for the Federal government and was recently promoted to an important position with more authority. Needless to say, she deserved it!

But what should have been a peak moment for her has been clouded by uncertainty. She’s bracing for what changes the new administration will bring. Rather than speculating, though—she sought advice from a colleague.

Here’s what she heard (paraphrased):

“Focus on your health—your sleep, food, exercise, and meditation. We can’t know what’s coming, but we can take care of ourselves and strengthen our resilience.”

Brilliant, right? Self-care and resilience may be exactly what we all need this year.

What Resilience Means

Resilience doesn’t mean we won’t feel the tough stuff. Pain is an unavoidable part of change—unless we choose to shut down, becoming numb or callous.

True resilience means we’ll get through challenges and grow from them—sometimes in ways we never imagined.

The path to resilience begins with recognizing the resilience we already have. When we reflect on our lives, we can see how we’ve navigated past challenges, often emerging stronger.

Brain science tells us that what we focus on grows stronger in our neural pathways. By paying attention to what we do right and the qualities we value in ourselves, we can amplify those traits.

Questions to Build Resilience

Looking back on 2024—or even further—consider these questions to uncover your resilience:

  • Where did you meet a challenge head-on?
  • When did you learn something that inspired or taught you something significant?
  • Which friendships did you nurture or develop? (Friendships are key to resilience!)
  • How did you care for your physical and mental health?
  • Where did you step away from negativity or distractions?
  • How did you develop as you helped someone else navigate a difficult time?
  • When did you feel a life force or a sense of your true self pulling you forward?
  • Where did you make time for beauty, peace, or creative expression, even amid the chaos?
  • How did you grow?

By reflecting on these questions, you may discover how resilient you already are. And that’s your best foundation for moving forward.

(Incidentally, you can ask similar questions about any quality or habit you’d like to cultivate. Look for where it already exists within you—like seeds starting to grow.)

Moving Ahead

My daughter-in-law is going to be fine. I don’t know exactly how things will unfold, but I know her. She’s smart, strong, and resourceful—she’ll find her way.

The same is true for you. You are capable, caring, and resilient, with all the tools you need to navigate whatever lies ahead.

The seeds of your greatness—and the resilience you’ll need—are already within you.

Treasure that gold inside you, and let this be the year you build on it.

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