Visit my show at the PSCCU Credit Union, Vashon, Washington May, June 2024 

Why I Need a Tribe and Why You Might Want One Too

Having a group of colleagues (aka tribe) with whom to share dreams, ideas and interests can be a big boost to our professional lives. And for the solo-preneur, independent consultant, or innovator forging a new direction within a company, it’s essential.

How to Get Back in the Saddle When You’ve Been Thrown Off

Have you ever found yourself in the sand after being bucked out of the saddle by a particularly hard life lesson? We can’t avoid the hard bumps that come with any heroic journey. But we still need to dust ourselves off and get back on.

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Live your life with more meaning, creativity and joy. And enjoy our free e-book to help you create the story you want to live.

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