Why I Need a Tribe and Why You Might Want One Too
Having a group of colleagues (aka tribe) with whom to share dreams, ideas and interests can be a big boost to our professional lives. And for the solo-preneur, independent consultant, or innovator forging a new direction within a company, it’s essential.
How to Get Back in the Saddle When You’ve Been Thrown Off
Have you ever found yourself in the sand after being bucked out of the saddle by a particularly hard life lesson? We can’t avoid the hard bumps that come with any heroic journey. But we still need to dust ourselves off and get back on.
Managing Creative Chaos
We all create in different ways and for some, like me, the creative process is accompanied by a certain amount of chaos. How can we avoid being overwhelmed when our creative juices are running?
After the Tragedy: A circle of support
In the wake of tragedy, we can tap the tremendous potential for healing and support that occurs when we stand by each other in the circle.
Unleash the Creativity Within Conflict!
We may want to avoid certain conflicts, but learning to manage conflict is necessary for creativity. Besides, it makes a better story.
How IGNITE Seattle! Ignites…
I had the opportunity to speak at IGNITE Seattle! this week. Watching the organizers having fun and working as a team, I took away a few leadership lessons of my own.
How to Stop But-ting
When we say "yes, but" in our controversial conversations we can escalate conflict and decrease listening. Last week, I taught about a way to reach a better outcome. Just don't say what I did!
Take a vision day
As a self-employed professional, I need time away from the day-to-day demands of work to reflect, refuel my creative inspiration, and think about the future. That's why, as the new year begins, I'm taking a Vision Day. Learn how you can create your own retreat - to access a Muse who may surprise you.
Spark Your Thinking by Going Visual
Visual Goal Setting is a way of tapping your intuition and giving additional power to your goal setting and planning efforts. I spent a great evening with Patty Dobrowolski, author of Drawing Solutions, learning how to make use of this creative tool.
The Eyes Have It – Use Them to Connect!
A foggy beach walk on Thanksgiving became an opportunity to practice one secret of great presenters: the ability to make eye contact. And I practiced smiling, too!
Is it Time to Get Your Hands Dirty?
Planning and improvisation often go together. And you can't start a business unless you are willing to plan....and then improvise, or as we say in the garden "go get your hands dirty".
Does Your Contact List Need a Spring Cleaning?
Do you ever wonder - who is your data base, really??? Or feel the urge, as you begin a new project, to let go of what you are dragging around from the past. I did....and it started with my contacts!