Visit my show at the PSCCU Credit Union, Vashon, Washington May, June 2024 

Improvising your Third Act with Christine McHugh

I met Christine in the Santa Fe airport, when I was returning from a performance workshop, and she was flying off to San Francisco.  I was fascinated – and delighted to be able to learn more about what’s she’s up to in this interview.  Christine’s been a theatre director, film director, training and development professional, and […]

Keith Carlson: The New Story about Nurses

Keith Carlson is helping shape the conversation today about nurses and the nursing profession for tens of thousands of his listeners and readers. A nurse for over twenty years, he reaches his audiences through his two podcasts for nurses, as well as his regular blogs, writings, presentations, and ebook. A gem from the interview: “You’ll hear nurses say, […]

Chris Farrell: Creating a new story about un-retirement

We live within stories, some personal, some cultural.  One of those stories is about retirement – that supposedly magical time of life when one crosses over a threshold and leaves the work world forever. Yet for increasing numbers of us, that story doesn’t work at all. Maybe we want to keep working because it offers us a way to […]

Rethinking our thinking with Nancy Kline

Nancy Kline is a woman on a mission to prevent the greatest crime – the waste of a single human mind…and her commitment is to help people think independently for themselves. She has spent most of her adult life asking the question: ” How do we help people to think for themselves, with rigor, imagination, and grace?

Reinventing the story about government: with Doug Nathan

Our culture is full of narratives about government, many of which don’t do justice to the institution. Doug Nathan is on a mission to change that, and a first step is the symposium he is organizing, “Expanding the Narrative,” a conference which will happen May 24th in Seattle.

Finding your essential purpose with Maria Bäck and Jeff Vander Clute

Have you ever had a strong intuition about your business but were unsure how to incorporate that into your business planning? International consultants Maria Båck and Jeff Van Der Clute help their clients sense into the invisible dimensions of their practices – to be able to make better more conscious business decisions.

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