Finding your essential purpose with Maria Bäck and Jeff Vander Clute

Being able to connect to your essential purpose – at the deepest level of your self, your partnership or your organization, gives you a transformative tool to use in shaping the future.

International consultants Maria Båck and Jeff Van Der Clute are back for another podcast interview!  Jeff and Maria co-founded Sourcing the Way to help their clients sense into the invisible dimensions of their practices – to be able to make better more conscious business decisions.  They use a unique blend of intuition, values clarification, strategy and data recording to guide their clients into purposeful dialogues about what actions are most relevant and resonant with the business.  From that place, easier, more aware and more effective decisions can be made.

Recently, they’ve been working with their clients to access the power that comes from uncovering one’s deepest essential purpose. The work is now being done with individuals, partnerships, and organizations.

Some gems from the interview:

“When we really get to the deepest level of the why, the essence, for an organization, a purpose, a relationship, then suddenly all the ingredients of one’s life, or an organization’s – that have been present –  that have been floating around – then suddenly it’s like the magnet’s been turned on – and all of these pieces starting flying together there’s  a sense of unification, clarity  and flow that emerges from being able to articulate the essential purpose.”

“As we allow the space for what truly brings us joy, we go deeper – into a safe space where we can explore.”


 Listen to these reflections on the show:

What is essential purpose work? Discovering the deep “why” behind an organization, partnership or person..

How one simple question, “What brings you joy?” unlocks something in us; using this to map the field of one’s joy.

Tapping into the essence of an organization, and sensing what brings it joy – as a platform for dialogue.

Using resonance mapping to systematically feel the quality of what comes up when a person, partnership, or an organization starts to talk about its joy.

How spreadsheets and data can be viewed intuitively so that new patterns become visible and how resonance mapping allows one to feel and explore the energy underneath what is being spoken.


And the full episode:



Or listen to episode 48 in ITunes (and please leave a rating and review!)

 About my guests

Jeff Vander Clute

Jeff is committed to the reinvention of human society through consciousness (r)evolution. He supports whole systems – including individuals, businesses, and organizational ecosystems – on their journeys of Self-realization; and he invests his caring and consciousness-awareness in change agents committed to “beaming the change” by simultaneously transforming themselves and their organizations.

A healer of systems, Jeff co-founded Sourcing The Way to offer radical tools and solutions capable of addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. He has a passion for developing technologies that facilitate Self-realization (and beyond) and for co-creating “radiant enterprises” that have as their Essential Purpose a wholesale upgrade of humanity’s operating system.

Jeff has deep entrepreneurial and leadership experience from founding, operating, and advising dozens of organizations. These include technology startups where he co-created Internet platforms used by over 30 million people, social enterprises, and leading-edge nonprofits building global movements. He is a member of Evolutionary LeadersGaiafield Project, the Global Compassion Council, and InClaritas.

Maria Båck

Maria is channeling her gifts by coaching leaders of all kinds who are committed to visionary leadership and to deepening their partnership with their organizations and industries. As an intuitive communicator, energetic facilitator, and awareness coach, Maria specializes in deep listening and resonance-based facilitation for illuminating key insights and bringing clarity that sparks holistic transformation. Her passion is supporting her clients, through deep transformation by “making the invisible visible”, whether the client is an individual, a representative of an organization or industry. For the past 30 years Maria has built a successful track record in sales operations, business administration, and leadership roles spanning continents and cultures. Based in the UK, her current projects are exploring possibilities for industry transformation in the clean energy, financial, high tech, and non-profit sectors.

The Show Notes

Read more about them on their website:  Sourcing the Way.

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