Hip, Hip, Hooray

The last couple of weeks have brought much to celebrate:

An amazing change in the race for the US Presidential Elections.

A surprise and wonderful wedding for my beloved grandson.

An opening of my new studio that included birthday festivities.

I’m grateful for all of it. 

But “hip” has a special meaning today:  I’ll be going in for hip replacement surgery in two weeks. 

I’m giving myself a break in order to get ready and then recover. People say that a hip replacement is not a big deal (compared with the complexity of knee surgery), but when you live on a small farm and care for a horse—it’s a big deal.

I’ll hope to be back in the writing saddle by mid—September and, with luck, the riding saddle by late October.

Till then, I offer you these:

We need to stand together against misogyny and racism no matter what our political preferences!
I faced another loss of an old friend—a loss that has made my equestrian future uncertain. But isn’t navigating uncertainty the name of the game these days?
The makers of Inside Out 2 didn’t just showcase the character “Anxiety” as feeling affecting many of us, they backed up their story with current research to make it accurate. And who doesn’t have some in these crazy times

See you in September!


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