Visit my show at the PSCCU Credit Union, Vashon, Washington May, June 2024 

Time to shout “no” to misogyny

I wish it were easy to just say no to a force that has been weighing us down for centuries—affecting our bodies as well as our brains and infesting our social and political systems. In case you need a refresher on blatantly evil signs or misogyny (I know you don’t), they include: What’s not as obvious […]

Got Anxiety? If not, why not? (with lessons from Inside Out 2)

One great takeaway from Inside Out 2, Pixar’s summer blockbuster, is that we are all entitled to a full range of emotions—from the ones that feel great to the ones we’d rather avoid. I know one of the starring emotions in the film, “Anxiety,” perhaps too well. Although I wish it didn’t visit so often, anxiety […]

How to Create When You’re Feeling Stuck (part one)

This week, I began designing the course Embracing the Muse: Transformative Processes for Enhancing a Creative Life, which I’m teaching on August 22nd in Port Townsend, Washington. I was in full research mode when a friend told me that she sometimes feels stuck in her creative work—we had a great conversation that left me thinking […]

Alex Doman, Sound and brain health entrepreneur

 Alex Doman is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, psychoacoustic music producer, and TEDx speaker with more than twenty-five years’ experience in neurotechnology. His mission is to help others achieve their optimal potential, to become the best version of themselves. He comes from a family of pioneers dedicated to improving brain performance for over seventy-five years, He’s […]

Singing through the storms

Here we go again. A major US Supreme Court decision that threatens to decimate democracy gets made a few days before the Fourth of July—our US celebration of freedom and independence. I have no words. My stomach is roiling. Which helps neither me nor the world. I can’t turn to pundits or soothsayers for wisdom—the […]

How to Interview a Rock Star

By the time you read this, I will have interviewed my first rock star. Or, more accurately, a former rock star. Or a small-town record store owner, dad, and new resident in my semi-rural island community. Isaac Slade, former lead singer for the band, The Fray. I’m not exactly a Rolling Stone reporter, but I was […]

Celebrating the Magic of the Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is here with people celebrating around the globe. I’ve never paid much attention to it—except perhaps for a big yippee that summer has finally arrived. But this year might be different.  I want to pay more attention to the day, (June 20, 2024), as a small way of honoring the great cycles of […]

Vicki Robin—Coming of Aging Wisdom

Vicki Robin has been breaking ground throughout her career—she’s truly someone who’s been shaping the stories that matter. She did that in 1992 with her seminal book written with Joe Dominguez, Your Money or Your Life, a book that challenged our obsessions with acquiring things rather than creating the time we need to live a […]

Stumbling in the land of too-much-ness

While we’ve kept our national attention on Covid-19 and its variants, another pandemic has slipped into town: too-much-ness. You can see it in the faces of your friends when they look overwhelmed by life. You feel it when you look at your schedule and 1) want to go back to bed or 2) feel your […]

What’s growing now (a pause)

What’s growing in your garden? Not just in your outside garden, which I hope is flourishing, but in your inner garden as well—the land of hopes, dreams, possibilities, compromises, and creations. This year in the northwest, winter felt long, and then spring, when it came, seemed rather ambivalent—tantalizing us with a few warm and sunny days […]

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