Visit my show at the PSCCU Credit Union, Vashon, Washington May, June 2024 

3rd Act: Mary Campbell–Awakening sensuality after midlife

Mary Campbell discovered the wonders of sensuality and pleasure in midlife and is helping women to do the same. She helps women find their joy again. As an intimacy coach and spiritual counselor she offers women a clear path back to loving their bodies and living again in their sensual nature, for themselves first. When […]

3rd Act: Debra Eve: Later Bloomers

Debra Eve is a storyteller and archaeologist who unearths tales of late-blooming wonder. She believes that “Once Upon A Time” can happen any time and it’s never too late to follow your weird. You can find her inspiring profiles of midlife-and-beyond creativity at   CHECK OUT THE REST OF OUR CREATIVE THIRD ACT INTERVIEWS  […]

StoryPros: Jeffrey Davis—Shape/Write/Live Your Story

  Jeffrey Davis is a writer, speaker, consultant, and author of four books. Through his firm and consultancy Tracking Wonder, he and his team work with creative innovators, entrepreneurs, and social psychologists to help people flourish in times of challenge and change. He lives with his wife and their two little girls in a farmhouse […]

Story Pros: Vanessa Chase Lockshin–The storytelling nonprofit

    Vanessa Chase Lockshin is an international non-profit consultant, thought leader, trainer, and speaker. She’s part of the next generation of professionals bringing change to the non-profit sector and challenging conventions. Vanessa is President of The Storytelling Non-Profit, and author of The Storytelling Non-Profit: A practical guide to telling stories that raise money and […]

Story Pros: Geoff Mead—Narrative Leadership

Geoff Mead is a skilled organizational storyteller who combines the artistry of a traditional storyteller with years of  experience with leadership development. He shows how storytelling can be far more than a tool for persuasion—it can be a tool for personal, organizational and societal change. Highlights from the show What is narrative leadership and why does it […]

Story Pros: Karen Dietz—The Dynamics of Business Storytelling

Karen is  the top curator globally on the subject of business storytelling ( and the owner of Just Story It.  She  is a 25-year veteran in business storytelling consulting, training, leadership, and organizational development. She’s also the former Executive Director of the National Storytelling Network. Highlights from the Show As a senior practitioner, she offered […]

Find Your Best Frame

Last week, I gave a workshop on Strategic Storytelling at a conference of fundraisers. Strategic storytelling is the vivid use of stories tied to a framework you design – one that orients the listener/reader to the importance and relevance of what you are sharing. This framework is like the trunk of a tree on which […]

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