3rd Act: Mary Campbell–Awakening sensuality after midlife
Mary Campbell discovered the wonders of sensuality and pleasure in midlife and is helping women to do the same. She helps women […]
3rd Act: Debra Eve: Later Bloomers
Debra Eve is a storyteller and archaeologist who unearths tales of late-blooming wonder. She believes that “Once Upon A Time” can happen […]
StoryPros: Jeffrey Davis—Shape/Write/Live Your Story
Jeffrey Davis is a writer, speaker, consultant, and author of four books. Through his firm and consultancy Tracking Wonder, he and […]
Story Pros: Vanessa Chase Lockshin–The storytelling nonprofit
Vanessa Chase Lockshin is an international non-profit consultant, thought leader, trainer, and speaker. She’s part of the next generation of […]
Story Pros: Karen Dietz—The Dynamics of Business Storytelling
Karen is the top curator globally on the subject of business storytelling (www.scoop.it/t/juststory-it) and the owner of Just Story It. She is […]