Vicki Robin—Coming of Aging Wisdom

Vicki Robin has been breaking ground throughout her career—she’s truly someone who’s been shaping the stories that matter. She did that in 1992 with her seminal book written with Joe Dominguez, Your Money or Your Life, a book that challenged our obsessions with acquiring things rather than creating the time we need to live a rich life. She challenged us again with her book about eating locally with her book Blessing the Hands that Feed Us; Lessons from a 10-mile diet. She’s a true social innovator, and has been active supporting her community on Whidbey Island, Washington.
Now, she’s challenging how we think about aging and blogs with her Coming of Aging writings.
- How Vicki, as a well-known social activist, is learning to let go of the warrior self
- Learning to be in the story that unfolds.
- “Whenever I get on a high horse, I’m in for fall…but righteousness is sneaky…”
- Wanting to step beyond the belief systems that control our lives. “I want to free myself in my old age.”
- How do we work with the despair many of us feel watching the world unravel?
- We have many parts, and there is a liberation that come come with reconciling the different parts of ourselves.
- Balancing wanting to both contribute to younger generations and realizing that their worlds may be different from ours.
- The power of just showing up…(as opposed to thinking we need to have something to say to others.)
- Taking on the inner work of thinking about the most important things one has learned—what that can do for us if not others.
- Considering the fear we may feel as we see friends disappear.
- In the coming of aging journey, we can notice that there is a core self that is on a learning journey, who is generous, curious, willing…
- We can’t say who we’re going to be.
- “We’re souls on a learning journey.”

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More about our guest
Vicki Robin is a prolific social innovator, writer and speaker. She is coauthor with Joe Dominguez of the international best-seller and classic, Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Achieving Financial Independence (Viking Penguin, 1992, 1998, 2008, 2018), and author of Blessing the Hands that Feed Us; Lessons from a 10-mile diet (Viking/Penguin 2014. She is co-founder of Conversation Cafes and of the 10-Day Local Food Challenge, and hosts the podcast/YouTube interview series, What Could Possibly Go Right?, inviting cultural scouts to shine a light on what’s emerging as the pandemic, climate, the economy and polarization unravel the old normal. She blogs at Vicki serves on the Board of the Post Carbon Institute.
She lives on Whidbey Island in Washington State..
For more information
Check out her Substack blog at
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