Visit my show at the PSCCU Credit Union, Vashon, Washington May, June 2024 

Shauna Ahern: Finding “enough”

Shauna Ahern, author of Enough: Notes from a Woman Who Has Finally Found It talks about what it took to leave her successful persona as the Gluten-Free Girl to write a memoir that is candid, compelling, and rooted in community. Shauna, whose blogs and books on gluten-free living made her a star on the social […]

Taking time between time

  Now is a time between times, this week between the end of one year and the start of the new one. For some, approaching the New Year is an opportunity to review the year past and to set goals for the upcoming one. I look forward to doing both and envisioning how I plan […]

Finding Lightfulness

‘Tis the season of light in many faiths. But not all of us are feeling jolly. This is also a time of year that can feel dark and heavy, especially with what’s going on in the world. Given all that is dark, how can we find a little light, levity, and lightness? I recently wrote about […]

Why you should be dancing

My horses dance. You might say they’re just driven by instinct. But when you see them run into the field on a cool, winter morning, tossing their heads, twirling around, bucking, and lifting their feet in the air, you have to think they’re playing with movement in time to a rhythm in their own heads. […]

How to find more light this season

How are you preparing for the holidays? The December holiday season, at least in the United States, requires so much preparation: shopping, cleaning, writing cards (if anyone still does this), fixing food, partying… All the activity and stress can wipe away the time needed for what might be most important in this season: an inner […]

Take time out of time during the holidays

It’s officially holiday season in the United States and we’re off to the races! We watch the scorecard tick away telling us how many shopping days left until Christmas or the holiday we observe. My mind swirls: How will I ever find enough time to…decorate? shop? work? write? party? observe? You fill in your own version. […]

My gift to you: Five minutes, five breaths

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. What could be better than the spirit of giving and thanking? But the week before Thanksgiving Day (T-day and counting) was full of minor crises. My relationship with technology turned catastrophic. I spent two days trying to breathe life into my beloved, old Mac. Needless to say, that put me […]

Weaving community–through stories

Last week, I had the privilege of once again participating in a Story Bridge event in Seattle. A very diverse group came together to share and perform our stories as a way of exploring issues facing Seattle’s historic African-American neighborhood, the Central District, now challenged by gentrification. In an early exercise we each shared a […]

After Me Too

  The chorus of voices chanting “Me too” keeps getting louder. Hearing people finally speaking out against sexual harassment has been great, stressful, and long overdue. But hearing all of the allegations may also stir up deep feelings within those of us who have harbored traumatic memories for many years. Public allegations of sexual harassment against […]

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