Sally Fox: Living more creatively in the 2nd half of life (turn-the-tables interview)

This interview was a wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by my friend and colleague Dana Lynne Andersen about my book-in-progress Meeting the Muse after Midlife and how we can travel a more creative path through the second half of life.
- What it is to be a story shaper.
- Some of the myths that accompany aging.
- What creativity and creative expressiveness look like as we age.
- Why some people have trouble calling themselves creative.
- What a few of the “superpowers” that come with aging might be.
- and more…
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Hear the interview:
Click here to go to the full interview on iTunes (#110).
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The Show Notes
Sally Fox, Ph.D. is a writer, coach, and host of this website and the Vital Presence podcast. Read about Sally here.