Chris Miller (CJ) is an entrepreneur, artist, writer, and speaker. He’s a lifelong Spiritual learner who has spent the last 20 years examining the creative process and its relationship to spirituality. He’s the author of the book, The Spiritual Artist and produces a podcast by the same name in which he interviews artists and spiritual thought leaders. In addition, CJ holds yearly Spiritual Art Retreats where consciousness and art-making combine.
- How CJ defines what it is to be spiritual and what it is to be an artist.
- “Creativity is an expression of love that the universe ushers out.”
- “Everybody’s an artist-they just don’t know it.” It may show up in how someone dresses or other aspects of life.
- How CJ created a show “Emotional Rollercoaster” with paintings that represented different emotions, with an option for viewers to listen to the music CJ used when he painted his work and feel the emotions.
- What CJ meant by the phrase in his book: “I have a confession. I know that I’m not a famously gifted artist. I’m starting to suspect that it’s only by being an average artist that I’ve discovered the secret to painting as a Spiritual Artist.”
- How he judges his success as an artist.
- How the spirit of creativity played out in his former advertising practice.
- “When you tap into the universal mind, all the answers are there.”
- How to have an exhibit, and keep the joy in without worrying about sales.
- What CJ offers at his retreats.
- How he uses solitude to juice himself back up.
Hear the interview:
More about our guest
Chris Miller (CJ) is an entrepreneur, artist, writer, and speaker. He considers himself a lifelong Spiritual learner and has spent the last 20 years examining the creative process and its relationship to spirituality. After being raised Catholic, he left that faith and sought a more personal connection to a Greater Power (God). Chris has formulated a personal relationship with this Great Power based on the premise that God is in everything, and it’s each person’s task to seek God within and without through the Creative Process.
He’s written the book, The Spiritual Artist which guides readers into a more precise state of connection and produces a podcast by the same name in which he interviews artists and spiritual thought leaders. In addition, CJ holds yearly Spiritual Art Retreats where consciousness and art-making combine.
For more information
Check out:
Instagram: cjmillerart, thespiritualartistpodcast
TikTok: spiritualartist123
YouTube: spiritualartist123
Facebook: @thespiritualartistpodcast
Check out his upcoming retreats!
And the book The Spiritual Artist