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Francesca Aniballi: Fairy tales aren’t just for kids

What if fairy tales could help us, as adults, to open our imaginations, re-enchant our worlds, and support our personal transformation.  In the hands of Francesca Aniballi, they can.

Francesca Aniballi, PhD, uses fairy tales as a transformative tool for adults. She combines her knowledge of expressive arts, literature, myth, and Celtic culture, to offer us a path toward self-insight—tapping the healing power of the imagination. 


  • How Francesca came to Scotland and fell in love with things Celtic.
  • How Francesca was drawn to Arthurian lore and fairy tales as a child. 
  • The many different perspectives, including the spiritual available through fairy tales.
  • The fairy tale connects us to the sacred dimension. It connects us to the web of life.”\
  • Einstein is said to have answered the question, “How to increase my child’s intelligence?” with “Read fairy tales to your child.”
  • Fairy tales can support the imagination, and the imagination can reinforce our scientific understanding. The great scientists have had great imaginations.
  • Fairy tales help us reconnect with something within—a magic we can relate to. 
  • “The real magic of fairy tales is the transformation of our consciousness.”
  • How fairy tales remind us of our relationship with nature and the environment.
  • “Story is a living creature.”
  • How the storyteller comes to a deeper understanding of the story through repeated tellings.
  • Francesca offers us a tale – about two women who illustrate the relationship between truth and beauty.

Hear the interview:

For more information about our guest

Francesca Aniballi is an author, teacher, coach, and creative practitioner from Italy, with a love of Scotland and everything Celtic. She supports personal transformation through the ritual sharing of fairy tales. 
She was born in Rome and spent her childhood on the Italian Eastern coast. When she had a chance, she moved to Scotland, where she lived what she considers to this day her formative years. Her love of stories and writing was fuelled by the rich lore of the country.
The land, the culture, and the people left a mark in her soul. She pursued a PhD in comparative literature at the University of Glasgow and a master’s degree in anthropology at the University of Edinburgh.Back in Italy, she settled down in the countryside not far from Rome and took up teaching, and creative facilitation while continuing her love affair with stories and writing.
In 2023, her book Fairy Wisdom for Daily Life: Creative Self-Care Through Fairy and Folk Tales was published by Golden Dragonfly Press and it is available as an ebook and a paperback at Amazon and other bookstores worldwide.
You can learn about Francesca’s offerings and sign up for her news at

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