Story Pros: Lynnaea Lumbard—Creating the New Stories

Lynnaea Lumbard

screen-shot-2016-11-28-at-4-51-12-pmLynnaea Lumbard, PhD,  is finding and sharing the new stories about aging, community, the environment and the planet that can support positive change. Using the patterns in how change occurs in nature and mythology, she gives us insights into how we can relate to these times of massive change.

Lynnaea is co-president of the New Stories organization where she works to name, amplify and disseminate new stories and practices for a life-affirming future.


Highlights from the show

  • Why we have to start with the story we are already in. You have to know where you are before you move to something new.
  • How finding the story can help us to manage the big transition of where our civilization is moving to.
  • Why we should pay attention to the stories of transition that we all ready know about that lead to successful change – stories like the butterfly’s cocoon to butterfly transformation or the birth process.
  • How the book Descent to the Goddess about Inana the goddess helped her and other women navigate hard times.
  • What if we are being birthed into another dimension, a new era of civilization?
  • Why we want to include people, planet and relationship in the big story about where the world is going.
  • How to help those caught in fear of change and loss to move to a new story.
  • How people in Japan dealing with the aftermath of the nuclear disaster created a “third space for community” that helped villagers come together to build relationships, talk across differences, and recognize the new stories and possibilities that were emerging for them.
  • Why a new story about stages in the aging process is needed and how we can learn to thrive within the limits that may be imposed upon us by age.
  • How to be a strategic philanthropist, no matter what your level of resources.


Click here to listen to episode 60 in iTunes

About my guest

Lynnaea Lumbard, Ph.D. is a transformational psychologist, interfaith minister wilderness guide, community weaver, social artist and strategic philanthropist. Her current work is curating New Stories to name, amplify and disseminate new stories and practices for a life-affirming future.

She lives with her husband, Rick Paine, in the land of ferries on both ends of the Salish Sea–Whidbey Island WA and Cortes Island BC.

In 1970 she took a course called Consciousness and the Human Potential that changed her life. On the path to personal transformation, she trained as a practitioner of Hoffman Process, Reichian Therapy, encounter groups for social change, NLP, psychosynthesis, psychodrama, gestalt therapy, voice dialogue, conscious evolution, depth psychology, energywork, and council. I deepened with many guides and teachers: Richard Moss, Brugh Joy, Hal and Sidra Stone, Christine Downing, Jeffrey Raff, Gigi Coyle, and Russell Lockhart.

In 1986, she co-founded Temenos Associates, a national workshop company that she ran with Carole Kammen for ten years.

Having worked for years with the archetypal patterns that govern individual lives and knowing from direct experience that transformation is possible, she embarked on a learning journey to bring those successful processes to cultural healing. New, comes out of her longing for humanity to step out of our old stories

The Show Notes

Check out the work of New Stories at


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