Managing from the heart with Arun Wakhlu

screen-shot-2016-01-25-at-7-19-58-pm-250x250As chairman of Pragati Leadership in Pune, India, Arun Wakhlu has been helping leaders in India and around the world connect to a deeper consciousness while generating results.  In this interview, he talks about how he’s able to bring insights from various spiritual and wisdom traditions into the heart of his consulting. Arun is author of Managing from the Heart.

Here’s the entire interview:

You can also find it on the podcast on Itunes, episode 41



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About My Guest

Mr. Arun Wakhlu is the Founder Chairman of the spiritually inspired leadership education and consulting firm Pragati Leadership Institute Pvt Ltd., based in Pune, India. He has been an active contributor and innovator in the areas of HRD and Individual and Organizational Transformation with over 25 years experience in these fields. Arun is also the Founder Director of the Pune based Non-Governmental Organization “Pragati Foundation”.

A pioneer in the area of integrating Spirituality with Leadership and Development, Arun has designed and facilitated many innovative leadership development programs for leaders in leading Indian and International organisations like HLL, BP, Castrol, Philips, Wartsila Corp., HDFC, Maersk Sealand, Tata BP Solar, several organizations in the Tata and Aditya Birla Groups, ICICI Prudential, Ranbaxy Labs & Dabur to name a few. He has been active in developing Leadership Educators, Trainers, Teachers and Development Professionals. He has successfully piloted an innovative international Senior Leadership Development Programme for a global oil company using a new approach.

Besides Leaders in the Corporate Sector, Arun has tirelessly contributed to the Development of school teachers and Principals, Government Officials, including Senior IAS Officers and DEA team of the MOF, NGO Leaders and staff, grassroots’ activists, Ashoka Fellows, educators of challenged children, Rotarians, members of the YPO, Womens’ Groups and many students. He has given numerous invited talks and is a much sought after speaker.

Author of the award winning book “Managing from the Heart”, Arun has published more than 30 papers and co-authored four other books. He has helped pioneer the new paradigms of “Wholesome Development” and “Wholesome Leadership”….Spiritually inspired Development and Leadership for inner and outer freedom and wholeness leading to prosperity with peace. These paradigms were developed along with his father Prof. Dr. Omkar N. Wakhlu.

Quotes from the interview:

“If you build your castle on sand, someday it’s going to crumble.  But if you build your life on the bedrock of eternal values, your life with have a definite quality.”

On speaking to the needs of his executive clients.  You may like chocolate, but “put a worm on the line rather than a chocolate if you want to fish.”

“When you let go of trying to become somebody, you become nobody, and when you allow yourself to be nobody you become everybody.”


From the Show

  • The relationship between the Bhagavad Gita and improvisational theatre.
  • How Pragati uses an appreciative approach in dealing with difficult matters like government corruption.
  • What is wholesome leadership – and how it represents a wholistic approach to business.
  • How Arun engages executives with questions of deeper purpose.

The Show Notes


Learn more about Arun at

Check out his book Managing from the Heart

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