Dr. Juliet Bruce Finding Sanctuary in Story
Juliet Bruce, PhD uses myth, storytelling, and expressive arts to help those struggling with hardship, trauma, and the challenges of living in […]
3rd Act: Mary Campbell–Awakening sensuality after midlife
Mary Campbell discovered the wonders of sensuality and pleasure in midlife and is helping women to do the same. She helps women […]
3rd Act: Debra Eve: Later Bloomers
Debra Eve is a storyteller and archaeologist who unearths tales of late-blooming wonder. She believes that “Once Upon A Time” can happen […]
StoryPros: Jeffrey Davis—Shape/Write/Live Your Story
Jeffrey Davis is a writer, speaker, consultant, and author of four books. Through his firm and consultancy Tracking Wonder, he and […]
Story Pros: Vanessa Chase Lockshin–The storytelling nonprofit
Vanessa Chase Lockshin is an international non-profit consultant, thought leader, trainer, and speaker. She’s part of the next generation of […]
Story Pros: Geoff Mead—Narrative Leadership
Geoff Mead is a skilled organizational storyteller who combines the artistry of a traditional storyteller with years of experience with leadership development. He […]
Story Pros: Karen Dietz—The Dynamics of Business Storytelling
Karen is the top curator globally on the subject of business storytelling (www.scoop.it/t/juststory-it) and the owner of Just Story It. She is […]
Find Your Best Frame
Last week, I gave a workshop on Strategic Storytelling at a conference of fundraisers. Strategic storytelling is the vivid use of stories […]
When Nurses Speak
Last week, with a partner, I guided 6 nurses to be able to share their stories on stage. The group represented 180 years of nursing experience. Add six stories and you had one big miracle. As a participant with more than thirty years experience wrote after the experience: “The transformation was the highlight of my nursing career.” It doesn't get better than that!
When Nurses + Stories = Tranformation
Nurses are taught to listen. But in a profession so key to our health care system, they need to speak out as well - and tell their stories. That's what Nurses Speak is all about.
Find the courage in your unique legend
When life feels particularly challenging, you might be experiencing the middle, turbulent phase of an extraordinary, legendary journey. Your legend is waiting for you to claim it, and to create it as you live it.