To tame a raging bull
It is rare that I consider aborting a blog I have almost completed. But how to keep writing, let alone think, when an army of rioters is storming the US Capitol?
I saw photos of ninja-like warriors climbing over Capitol walls, upended offices, broken glass, and Congressional representatives huddled under their seats.
My mind spun as I was pulled into a maelstrom of news. Had things really gotten this bad?
How to tame a charging bull.
I had intended to write reflections inspired by a photo of two iconic statues that stood, for a short period of time, in proximity to each other in Manhatten. With the names “Fearless Girl” and “Charging Bull” they came with extensive backstories; their brief time near to each other in 2017 sparked controversy and floods of visitors.
The images spoke to me of two faces of power. I loved seeing them together.
Fearless Girl evoked what it is to stand with grounded courage. With her posture, she suggests a sense of sovereignty that comes from self-knowledge, determination, and a deep connection to values and higher truths.
Fearless Girl is not a matador. She does not stand in anger, wanting to defy or kill the bull.
Through her stance, Fearless Girl suggested a new way to take on the bull.
Without fear or force, but in relationship.
(I think the bull might like that, too.)
Moving ahead
Parker Palmer, educator-luminary spoke words that ring for me as we move into a new year.
“Hope is holding a creative tension between what is and what could and should be, each day doing something to narrow the distance between the two.”
It’s time to move ahead, finding the fearless girl that lives within us, regardless of our gender, age, race, or appearance. Let’s acknowledge how crazy-powerful a bull can be, but not back down. Let’s find a way to guide that power and use it to make some of the changes this earth is crying out for.
Let’s welcome change in the spirit of a new year. Time to acknowledge our values, reclaim our hopes, and find the actions that we, Let’s welcome change in the spirit of a new year. Time to acknowledge our values, reclaim our hopes, and find the actions that we, individually and collectively, are called to take.
With our feet on the ground, we stand tall!
Here’s to a brighter New Year,
PS How are you starting the New Year or reacting to this week’s events? I’d love to learn on the web blog-post.
2 thoughts on “To tame a raging bull”
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Sally, I sincerely wish I could say I was astonished, surprised, whatever, about what happened yesterday at the Capitol. Unfortunately, I was not. Ever since he who must not be named started talking about “the steal,” and telling supporters to descend on DC on January 6 to do something about it, I have been telling Lucinda that this would not end well. To our dismay, I was correct.
Unfortunately, I also don’t know what to do about it. 74 million people voted for someone who should not be allowed in the office he still occupies (at least for now). I don’t know how all this will play out, but I am just thankful that we have a President-Elect that is a thoughtful, caring person, as opposed to the “person” who occupies the office today.
It still scares me that over half the Republican House members disputed the results in two states. This, even after the mob stormed the Capitol. How can they look at themselves in the mirror?
Thanks Joe. I think a lot of us hoped that it would not come to this, while worrying that it might. Even so, I was not prepared for what happened yesterday. Nice to hear from you and best to Lucinda!
Take care, Sally