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When wonder beats words

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After a productive day writing, I was burnt out on words. My brain couldn’t string any more together.

Because most of my work involves words, “no more words” also meant no more work.

I needed a break, but with other events coming up on my schedule, it had to be brief. Ten minutes, maybe twenty tops. What better time to test out one of the tools I’ve been developing to help you re-set yourself and become more present during a short break in your day.  I call them  “Ten-Minute Miracles” and I decided to try the TenMinute Wonder Walk.

In a Wonder Walk, you relax your brain and let your eyes do the walking. Pretend that you’re a camera and take snapshots of what intrigues you. Or, use the camera in your smartphone to catch the small miracles of beauty on your path. Turn your eyes into wide-angle lens and take close-ups of details you might otherwise miss. I can assure you, there’s a world going on in a manure pile!

As I walked slowly through the same yard I walk every day, I entered the land of wonder. Bits of magic popped up everywhere.

The flat orange mushrooms: extraordinary. The fog on the Doug Fir, mysterious. The red leaves circling the maple: reminiscent of the artist Andy Goldsworthy. The heart-shaped leaves of the Katsura: better than a Valentine. Even the dense pile of manure held spindly black mushroom shoots I had never seen before.

The more I looked, the more was revealed, and the more interesting the walk became.

Instead of offering you more words this week, I invite you to take a Wonder Walk. Grab a camera or be a camera and go noticing.


I promise it will help you shift gears.

I shared some of my other “Ten-Minute Miracles” last week with Beth Genly as part of her five-episode video “Spotcast” series, Beat Holiday Stress! 5 Experts Share Hot Tips to Ensure You Can Relax and Enjoy the Holiday Season. If you sign up for this free video series before November 4th, you can listen when it airs November 4 – 11th and learn some cool ideas to lower your stress.

OK,  I know, even hearing the word “holidays” can be stressful, although my conversation with Beth was really fun. She wants you to be prepared before holiday stress hits. You can sign-up by clicking here at this link. It’s free, and who doesn’t want to relax more during the upcoming season?

OK, now, I’ll be quiet.

It’s time to return to wonder.


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