Find rhythm in a pause
I’ve been loving my spring walks athrough our woodlands. They help me to pause when I’m wound up or feel driven to keep going on a project.
Pauses are key to rhythm and rhythm is key to life. I’m not quite ready to write about my forays into rhythm, so instead I’ll share these words from the late scholar, poet, and bard, John O’ Donohue:
From Anam Cara:
“If you can awaken this sense of destiny, you come into rhythm with your life. You fall out of rhythm when you renege on your potential and talent, when you settle for the mediocre as a refuge from the call. When you lose rhythm, your life becomes wearyingly deliberate or anonymously automatic. Rhythm is the secret key to balance and belonging.
From Eternal Echoes:
“Guided by longing, belonging is the wisdom of rhythm. When we are in rhythm with our own nature, things flow and balance naturally…Our modern hunger to belong is particularly intense…We have fallen out of rhythm with life. The art of belonging is the recovery of the wisdom of rhythm.”
As I pause, I invite you to check out any of these posts that you missed.
In Playing as an Ensemble, I wrote about the book The Hidden Life of Trees and how much we can learn from how the elements of nature play together as an ensemble, not a collection of solo performers.
In Want More of Einstein’s brainpower? I explored how developing our corpus callosum, linking the left and right sides of our brain, may be a key to developing our intelligence in a hyped-up, always-on world. (With a few ideas about how to strengthen our brains.)
Isn’t it time you celebrated? In Can we celebrate now? I offered ideas for finding what and how to celebrate even when the pandemic is not yet gone.
Is it time to start returning from a year of sheltering in place? Or do you have Anticipatory Post-pandemic Apprehension Disorder as I do?
The title of Zoom fatigue: It’s real and what to do says it all. (Which could also suggest that it’s time to stop reading online and go play!)