Visit my show at the PSCCU Credit Union, Vashon, Washington May, June 2024 

Finding more of enough

How do we know when we have found “enough?” That question propelled me to read prize-winning author Shauna Ahern’s just-published memoir: Enough: Notes From a Woman Who Has Finally Found It. While Shauna is best known as “The Gluten-Free Girl,” this book is a departure from her work as a blogger and cookbook maven. She […]

Before you give, learn to receive

Did your mother ever tell you, “To give is to receive?” She was partly right. What she forgot to add was, “To give with an open heart, you must be able to receive.” Giving and receiving belong together, like inhaling and exhaling. But giving typically gets more of our attention. You might think that’s only […]

Where in the cycle are you?

To everything (turn, turn, turn) There is a season (turn, turn, turn) And a time to every purpose, under heaven             Pete Seeger (and Ecclesiastes) When I first arrived at our island home almost fourteen years ago, I started to garden like a madwoman. This was particularly significant because I had never gardened before. For […]

Finding your true “yes” and your true “no”

One thing I have noticed in recent years is that my “no’s” and my “yes’s” have gotten stronger and clearer. Being able to listen to one’s self and sense (and offer) a true “yes” and a true “no” may be one of the superpowers we can claim with age, even if gracefully conveying an honest […]

Got Rhythm?

We all have rhythm. It’s built into us through our heartbeats and the circadian (24 hour) rhythms that influence when we feel hungry, energetic, or sleepy. As our biology influences our rhythms, so, too, does the way we work.  Our distant ancestors followed rhythms that were tied to light. Our parents may have worked “on the clock,” […]

My husband is under house arrest

My husband is not guilty of crimes against the state. The state may be guilty of crimes against him. The news about what is happening or not happening in Washington, D.C. is robbing him of his optimism and faith in the future. I watch him going down as he reads about venality, greed, the partisanship that […]

The power of deep hope

Last year a good friend went through a true dark night of the soul brought on by medical circumstances. The prednisone she was given for an acutely painful condition weakened her bones, leading to a serious fracture of her lumbar spine. Even in rehab, the excruciating pain contributed to a trifecta of misery. Like many […]

When good enough beats great

When the late William Stafford, one of my favorite poets, was asked how he managed to write one poem (or more) every day, he offered a phrase that endeared him to many:”I lower my standards.” Stafford wasn’t suggesting that he had low standards for the poems he published, just that he knew how the daily […]

How to Spot Your Inner Critic

Why is it that when we’re totally qualified for a job, totally right for a project, or totally entitled to a big dream, we feel the need to throw in the caveat, “Or, maybe not.” I’m working with a new client who deserves the job for which he is applying–120%. Yet still, the voice comes […]

Find Your Inner Porpoise

The books written about Purpose or “Finding Your Inner Purpose” on Amazon have it almost right. They just spelled it wrong. Change a few letters and you’ll have more fun. Finding a purpose can feel heavy. A porpoise is buoyant. Just to be clear, I think having a deep sensing about the “why” of life can help […]

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