Create a world. In six words.

Remember when you were in grade school and you returned from your summer break, knowing that your new teacher would ask you, once again, to write a story called My Summer Vacation.

Why not write a story now that can convey the essence of your summer, in only six words?

You know that images can say so much, and it takes very few words to evoke an image.

But don’t take my word for it, have some fun and try it!

The assignment

Here’s the assignment I give to managers in my class on Leading Through Story: Write a story in six words. It will test your ability to create an image in a few words–and it’s really easy. No poetry or great art required. Hopefully, it can stir the imagination of your readers, regardless of whether they see exactly what you see.

Here are a few six-word stories from my summer:

Buffoon mocks buffoon. Scary. “Rocket man.”

Too much: Drought, Northwest. Floods, Texas.

My book. Moving forward. I hope.

Seattle housing prices rise. Teachers leaving.

Dahlia glows. Hope survives drought.

Mom lives. In hospice. Two years.

Your turn! Have fun. Then,

Please share. Your words. With me.

Here’s to fall!

13 thoughts on “Create a world. In six words.

  1. More answers to: How was your summer briefly?

    Warm, embracing adventure, fulfilling dreams; wonderful!

    Broken ankle. No dancing with stars.

    Total eclipsing of reason. Nature rages for a season
    In horror I gaze – we are completely set ablaze
    Fires, liars, hurricanes. Hope springs eternal.

    Love, travel. World disasters. Animal rescue.

    wilderness solitude. Housesitting cat; harvestinng veggies.

    knitting begun; ponchos ended; creative joy.

    mountain hikes, city views, smoky days.

    black bear visits; hot sultry nights.

    lunches with son; ease maturing hardships.

    lovely supper with new special friends; delight.

    Thanks to everyone who shared!!

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