On the Summer Solstice, the longest day in the year, as the sun reached its highest point in the sky, I took a pause to reflect. I found words online that seemed timely to me—as well as a musical treat I share below. But first, I quote:
The Summer Solstice reminds us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. It is a time to pause and wait for the energy planted in the Spring to reach full bloom. If the Spring represents action, the Summer represents patience.
We must develop trust and confidence in ourselves that what we set in motion previously is correct even if we go through some troubled times. Our course is set at this point, we just need to nurture it and find purpose within its process.
The Summer solstice represents the transition from action to nourishment, which is exactly what the Sun gives us during the long nights of summer, both to our actual crops but also to the continual journey we travel from darkness to light.
Summer reminds us that there is hope in the world, that the light within can spread to the far reaches of the globe and inspire others. We can nurture others, just as the Sun nurtures us.
Summer becomes a time to work on ourselves and our ability to be the light and find meaning in our journey, even when it seems uncertain.
This is the rhythm of nature; new beginnings transition into a period of uncertainty. During this time, it is easy to fall pray to anxiety and worry. Big shifts also cause old energies to surface and darkness can easily take over our mind.
Summer is the time to develop faith in our life, squash the darkness with light, and trust that just like the Sun, we will rise each day no matter what life brings us.
Thanks for traveling with me through the thoughts and lessons I learned from Grief.
In The Gift of the Ordinary, I remembered, once again how Grief is a teacher who can humble us and help us find awe in the simple aspects of life.
In Are You to Sensitive, I diverted from grief to explore what it means to be “a sensitive.” And I learned from friends and readers how many of us fit the bill!