Spring for a Pause

If you want proof of the complexity of the world, come visit my garden, a mélange of good and evil, light and dark, what I want and what I don’t, all asking for my care.

If you have a garden, you know what I mean.

Some say weeds are just plants in the wrong place. In my case, in a lot of wrong places. Weeds are usually the invasive plants that want to take over the flower bed (those dang baby ornamental onions I planted), or consume the woods (lamium). At least, I’ve been spared plants that want to take over the world (kudzu).

In my losing battle to eradicate the invaders, I gather strength by feasting my eyes on what is so beautiful–the Japanese maples leafing out, the rhododendrons in flower, and the peonies about to bloom. Is beauty more precious when you know it can’t last?.

While I head out to weed, here are a few recent posts you might have missed.

Finding Your Inner Porpoise was a facetious look at purpose sprinkled with an ounce of truth

When Paris Burns: Finding the seeds of resilience was a response to the tragic burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral, with hats off to those who find their resilience in tragedy, like my friend Jane who lost all to the volcano on Hawaii last year.

Imagination is my friend, hopefully yours, too, and in this post  I offered several quotes with Images of Imagination to spark yours.

The battle is on to distract your attention, and the odds are increasingly against us. In How to keep your attention in an age of distraction, I shared a few ideas to help you keep yours.

So many choices.

So many weeds.

Here’s to Spring!

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