A deep breath, a moment of pause


We’ve been through a lot recently–no need to remind you of that. You deserve to take a deep pause to breathe and a second one to just enjoy. You might take in a whiff of spring, so alive right now in my garden. If you missed recent posts, I’ll share references below.

But first, something so amazingly cool you don’t want to miss it, a chamber music concert in the Barcelona Opera House for two thousand plus plants, As reported in this Huff Post article:

“Barcelona’s Gran Teatre del Liceu opened to a full house on Monday for its first concert since it closed in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Yet not a single person had tickets — and that’s because each one of the hall’s 2,292 seats was occupied by a houseplant. The event was the work of conceptual artist Eugenio Ampudia.”

How fun is that? Each of the music-soaked plants was donated to a local health care worker. (Click here or on the video above to watch.)

In case you missed these posts

Last week I wrote about a treasure trove of great women I found in The Book of Gutsy WomenRead about any of them and you might feel good again about our species. Resistance, resilience, and great women: a formula for hope.

In To change our systems remember the body, I suggested that trauma lives in the body and we all, whether white or black in North America, are likely to suffer from the cultural trauma of “White Body Supremacy” that Resmaa Menakem writes about in My Grandmother’s Hands.

I talked about civil rights activist, poet, and priest Pauli Murray, an example of a gutsy woman who deserves to be better known. A champion for justice who deserves to be known.

A book by VIktor Frankel, a pioneer of meaning-focused psychology, was just published. And who doesn’t need a dose of meaning-making in these crazy times? Saying Yes to life even then even now. 

Finally, YouTube abounds with compiled videos of people singing together –from a distance. This one moved me because the beautiful song You Can Do This Hard Thing was the song that kept me going the morning after the 2016 election. It still makes me cry, although seeing Carrie and the others sing is pretty joyous. 


The hard got harder, and the harder may get harder yet. Yet with a pause we can restore ourselves and appreciate the last peony in the garden.

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